Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Can we call for Bush's resignation, too?

With so many American politicans calling for Iraq prime minister Nouri al-Maliki's resignation, including leading Democratic presedentail candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton and senator Carl Levin, and President Bush and his neo-conservatives minions indicating that Iraq is not meeting our benchmarks and failing to unify the country, couldn't others call for our President's voluntary departure given his record low approval ratings and propensity to divide rather to unite?

Alberto Gonzales' resignation: Good riddance! Did President Bush illuminate why Gonzales resigned? Of course, not. Bush attacked critics for attacking Gonzales and preventing his now former attorney general from "doing important work" such as preparing papers to justify the use of torture in violation of the Geneva conventions, continuing to strip civil liberties from Americans, supporting the illegal retention of so-called "enemy combatants' without habeas corpus, firing eight attorneys for, apparently, political reasons and more. Bush, once again, obfuscated the issue and divert the discussion by scolding critics of Gonzales for invalid reasons rather than address the very substantive issues regarding calls for the Justice Department head's resignation. Sadly typical...and, another reason, Bush should be impeached.
