Pot calling the kettle black
Is there no clearer illustration of the loss of morality authority in the world than the response of Russia to the United States' pathetic public statements regarding the invasion of Georgia?
Once again, the White House's blissful disconnect between what is said and what is done rises to the surface like the sun on a new day.
"I was very firm with Vladimir Putin. He and I have got a good relationship -- just like I was firm with the Russian president (Dmitry Medvedev)," intoned President Bush.
"I expressed my grave concern about the disproportionate response of Russia," Bush said. "We strongly condemn bombing outside of South Ossetia."
Can you just imagine and hear Putin and Medvedev's 's laughter and incredulous facial expressions during the conversation? "Mr. Bush," Vlad might have said, "how would you categorize your invasion of Iraq? Proportionate?"
"Here we are trying to promote peace and harmony and we're witnessing a conflict take place," Bush noted.
"How does invading Iraq, bombing more than 40 countries since World War II and promoting the Bush Doctrine, which asserts United States' propensity to strike first to address perceived threats as promoting peace and harmony?" Putin might respond.
Can you just hear Bush invoking the religious card? How the United States response is deemed appropriate because God spoke through him. How the United States is engaging the proper action to spread democracy through the world.
"But, George," Dmitry might have said, "how do reconcile your stated goal of spreading democracy through the world with repeal of habeas corpus in your own country, spying on your own people without court orders and continued invocation of executive privilege when Congress subpoenas officials?"
To be fair, the Bush White House is observing greater pragmatism in its foreign policy in recent months. However, the damage from the pre-emptive, illegal invasion of Iraq and the continued delusional insistence that the United States can somehow plant the seeds of democracy in days similar to the stories of the world's alleged creation in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament paint America into a very compact corner in responding to any other countries' military adventures.