Tuesday, December 21, 2004

It's about time W!

It's a small concession, but certainly one that must have been very difficult for a president who blithely turns an eye toward reality.

W finally admitted that the training of the Iraqi soldiers is not going so well. Really? Independent sources and diplomats, military observers and journalists have been saying this for months. But, during the campaign, W stayed true to his line about "working hard", "125,000 Iraqi troops trained", "making progress."

Blithe sound bytes that did not reflect the reality of the divisiveness of the forces and the significiant abandonment issue.

When an American military force is viewed, many different faces and charcacteristics shine--black, Hispanic, Asian, white, male, female. You'll find Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Protestants, agnostics. You'll find career soldiers, blue collar workers, businessmen. Although the proportions may not be in line with the United States population, at large (a greater representation of black and Hispanics), they work side-by-side, as a team, to accomplish a goal even if they are not enamored of the choice. The view themeselves as Americans first.

In Iraq, three primary factions exist--the Kurds in the north, the Sunnis, who are more centrally located, and the Shia--the tribe of Saddam Hussein in the south.

The Sunnis and the Shiites are a result of a rupture of Islam into two branches. The orthodox Sunnis and the breakaway Shia, the followers of Ali and Hussein (not Saddam). The Shiites are more closely related to the Persians and Iran.

One cannot understand Iraq without factoring in the issue of tribalism and the Bedouin culture. The tribes are fiercely loyal to their own people. To assemble a national force of any kind, military, political or business, is exceedingly difficult under these conditions.

For the United States government to fail to acknowledge that challenge in rebuilding Iraq's infrastructure is egregious mismanagement. To say they were not advised is naive--W's people knew.

But, blinded by their quest to secure the resources of Iraq for Western plunder, our officials chose to don rose-colored glasses and ignore the transparent realities of Iraq's formation and development.

In business, the personnel would have been relieved of their duties. In W's administration, they are rewarded with promotions, awards and financial renumeration for loyalty. Even, blind loyalty.

How sad for us. And, for the Iraq citizens, who now have to put their faith in restoring their country to a group of people who continue to embellish a record of mismanagement of political favoritism.



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